Why Testimonials Must Avoid Use of Sympathy
The best testimonials are those understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy. Network Lead Exchange explains why sympathy is to be avoided in any testimonial.
It’s very important to understand the difference between sympathy and empathy. Both words employ the Greek root “pathos”, which connotes emotions or feelings. The difference is empathy is an understanding of the feelings someone has while sympathy means to experience the same feelings as another. This distinction might seem benign, but when creating a testimonial it’s important to use empathy instead of sympathy.
The Need for a Guide
The problem with sympathy is there’s no way out of the problem because the person expressing sympathy is in the middle of the problem. A testimonial must recognize the emotions felt by reader, not express the same emotions. The reader seeks a guide to get them out of the problem. There are plenty of people who can experience the problem along with them. That has no value – a guide to get out of the problem possesses immense value.
The Need for Clarity
The problem with emotions is there’s a lack of clarity associated with them. Part of being emotional is being in a fog. When sympathy is used in testimonials, the focus is on emotions. There’s a lack of clarity within the testimonial, and at the end of the day that doesn’t help the reader. Instead of being caught up in the emotions of the problem, get the clarity provided by empathy.
The Need for Assurance
A testimonial must assure the reader that the problem will be solved. The problem with being in the emotional state the way sympathy requires is reassurance isn’t the first priority. The first priority is feeling the emotion and being in the emotional state with the other person. Assurance is the priority of a great, empathetic testimonial. Empathetic testimonials have the top priority as being assuring the customer that the business is the right one for their needs.
When getting a good testimonial, it’s wise to look at network members. Find network members excelling at testimonial writing @ NETWORKLEADEXCHANGE.COM.