
3 Tips for Choosing the Right Network Members

By: Network Lead Exchange

3 Tips for Choosing the Right Network Members




Networking group leaders are always looking to expand the group with the right people. Network Lead Exchange offers tips for getting the right people in the group so all in the group will prosper.


Leaders of networking groups are constantly challenged with ensuring the right number of members are in the group. More important than the number of members in the group is member quality. The idea OF member quality is if the members give as much to the group, as they receive. Ultimately, if leadership does its job, a networking group will have great members delivering lots of value.

Understand the Personal Values of Prospects

People seeking to join any group are always on their best behavior; therefore, when speaking to prospects, it’s important to really listen as that reveals people’s values. When it comes to values, it’s vitally important the person is looking to give to the group as much as they receive in return. Furthermore, the prospect must be a good fit with the group’s ethos. Consider how a person runs their business as well – this provides a great window onto how they’ll interact with group members.

Is the Business a Fit?

There are plenty of entrepreneurs seeking to join networking groups fitting their businesses. However, some who seek to join might not have the right business. For example, if the networking group is in one particular trade and narrowly focused, it would not work to bring in a tradesperson working in a different trade. The fit matters regarding the businesses. In order to have a successful group, all entrepreneurs within the group must have businesses fitting the group or working towards similar goals.

Prospective Contributions to the Group

The bottom line of any networking group is the group’s goal is to work for each other. It’s important referrals and other value is delivered to all members. There are some businesses too small to deliver necessary value, and the converse is there are businesses that would overwhelm the group. The key is making sure entrepreneurs have a good idea of the value they’re expected to deliver, and that they have the capability to deliver required value.

Finding network members is as simple as holding events. There are plenty of networking groups explaining the requirements for membership @ NETWORKLEADEXCHANGE.COM.